
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel. It’s partly for me, mostly for my mom.

This Is How Odd New York Is

We all know that five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes make up a year. But how many weirdos make up New York?

8.25 million live in New York City. And what of them? Many spend their days working, eating, resting, playing, shopping, and talking. Others partake in slightly more unusual activities. 

Here are a few videos and pictures that represent how odd New Yorkers are. And how New York makes people odd. 

An artist in the subway

A hyper-religious subway choir

 A masked musician. Unknown if he is against fracking or just against an anti-fracking backdrop

 Fish heads in Dumbo, Brooklyn

Dogs waiting for their owners outside a bar. (Anthropomorphized, no?)

 The happiest dead guy ever. (Brooklyn Flea Market)

 The angriest cherub ever. (Brooklyn Academy of Music)

 Some lonely protestors on Wall Street. Also, isn't war historically an engine of economic success? I'm not pro-violence. I'm just protesting their protest.

A guy wearing newspapers. Clarification: he is wearing the newspapers.

Happy Birthday to The Foreigner!

Celebrating 4th of July on Roosevelt Island