
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel. It’s partly for me, mostly for my mom.


August 27, 2009, 12:19

**Pre-script: Because of the government-regulated Internet/blocking of websites, I have had some blogging troubles. Hopefully this is the end of my woes, but if you should find yourself confused as to why my dates do not match those of the blog, or that the blog is somewhat out of order, the many attempts to switch blogs, circumvent rules to get back onto old ones, etc. is the reason.

Lesson number 1: I'm not in Kansas anymore.

In fact, I'm in China! How do I know this? Well, if the millions of Chinese-speaking people all around me weren't a big enough hint, there's also the hot...no, boiling....no, sauna-like weather that renders a person pretty much incapable of normal functioning; the zooming cars, motor-bikes, and regular bikes, all of which have constantly honking horns and dinging bells; the oily food; and the striking juxtaposition of old, Chinese architecture and landscaping against a modern, almost Florida-like sky-rise. Oh yeah, and there's the blocking of the Internet. For example, this blog was already up and running (with a few posts, too) before I left, but as soon as I got online I discovered that I have been blocked from using not only Facebook, but also my own blog! **

I have a few pictures to share and SO many other things to share, and yet the exhaustion of a 12 hour time difference, the brutal heat, and the thought of a placement test tomorrow morning make it difficult to continue at this very moment. Consider this a teaser, if you will..

Until next time.


In the Final Days