
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel. It’s partly for me, mostly for my mom.

The National Zoo

What's better than an adorable animal? Multiple adorable animals.

I spent the day at the National Zoo (also free!), soaking up the unseasonably warm weather and oogling some of the world's most unbearably cute animals.

The flamingos attracted attention not just because of their pink plumage, but also because of their performance. Though more awkward and unsophisticated than the boogie at a 6th grade dance, their conviction and self-confidence, heads held high, turned it into an entertaining show.

The park is home to a few wild deer, who roam uncaged in the surrounding wooded areas.

In Amazonia my friend and I stared at this little monkey, who would have fit comfortably in the palm of  my hand, as he hopped from branch to branch without any thought for the humans below.

Manhattan Muscle

United States Botanic Gardens