
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel. It’s partly for me, mostly for my mom.

When in Rome

It's been over a month since my trip, and I still haven't told you about Rome! Shame on me, I know, but as my excuse is just more traveling, I hope the coming stories of Spain and Morocco will make up for this delay. For now, all I can say is:

When in Rome...

Eat gelato. Don't be afraid to eat it more than once a day. No one is judging you. Smooth over the chocolate swirled goodness with your mini-shovel type spoon and watch it collect in small ripples on the end before indulging yourself.

Visit the Colosseum. How could you not? Coming in from the airport at night, we saw the colosseum highlighted in white and yellow light. By day it peers subtly over the city, not tall enough to demand attention, but regal enough to receive it anyway.

Take a stroll through the Agora. The ancient market that was once the bustling center of Roman life is now a peaceful place to marvel at the ruins while reading about their epic history. Not a big history fan? It's still a pleasant visit.

Lose yourself in the crowd in one of Rome's many beautiful piazzas. Each piazza is full of energy, but no two piazzas are the same. Find your groove by visiting them all, enjoying the cute cafés, the creative fountains, and the people watching along the way.


An Afternoon at The Farm